速報APP / 健康塑身 / Fit Dad PT

Fit Dad PT



檔案大小:42.8 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 8.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Fit Dad PT(圖1)-速報App

Fit Dad Personal Training provides busy dads with everything they need to reach their own health and fitness goals. As a Dad, I understand how busy life can get and how difficult it can be to adhere to a strict 'one-size-fits-all' fitness and nutrition program. That's why I tailor training programs and nutrition guidelines to fit with your lifestyle, taking into account your career, family and social life. I also provide mindset strategies that will help you to make those gym sessions and eat the right foods, even when you think you might struggle.

In many ways, having Fit Dad PT as your online personal trainer is much better than hiring an expensive Personal Trainer from your local gym. With Fit Dad PT you:

- Don’t have to fit into anyone else's schedule.

- Can meet anywhere and anytime via the Internet.

- Won't have to pay as much as you would with an in-person PT (especially if they offer quality nutrition guidelines and mindset strategies as well)

- Will have video assistance at the click of a button. You can watch a demonstration of every exercise you're asked to do as many times as you want.

Fit Dad PT(圖2)-速報App

- Control your own goals, your own schedule, and what you can handle on any given day.

- Take as long as you need to complete your session. No longer, no shorter, no wasting time, no fitting into a PT's allotted time slot. The session time is designed to fit your goals and lifestyle.

- Get quality and considered feedback and coaching.

With Fit Dad PT you'll get everything you need to reach your chosen goals, delivered using the latest Smartphone technology. When you signup for a Fit Dad PT program, you'll get a username and password to login into the Fit Dad PT app. Once logged in you can:

- View your gym or home training programs with videos and descriptions of every exercise.

- Record exercise results in seconds.

Fit Dad PT(圖3)-速報App

- Film your exercise technique, then view it alongside correct demo videos. These videos instantly upload into your account so I can give you expert guidance.

- Record and track nutrition habits, goals, lifestyle habits, body stats, activity levels and more.

- Take and save progress photos instantly.

- See all of your results, such as fat loss, strength gains and muscle mass increases in clear and easy to understand progress graphs.

- View my coaching videos, recipes, coaching documents, etc.

- Fill in a food diary or adherence chart.

Fit Dad PT(圖4)-速報App

Make no mistake, Fit Dad Personal Training provides you with the best combination of information, experience, technology and understanding of your needs to help you achieve your health and fitness goals.

So what are you going to do, take a positive step in the right direction, or continue to sit on the sidelines? Over to you...

Fit Dad PT(圖5)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad